
I Can’t Take It Anymore

Life can be hard. In fact, life can be really hard sometimes. No matter who you are, where you are from, or what type of life you are living, challenges and difficulties will inevitably come your way. If there is one thing every person on the planet has in common, it is that we all deal with disappointment. Proverbs 13:12 in the Message translation says that unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick. Not only have we all dealt with disappointing circumstances or been faced with failed expectations, but too often it feels like it really is unrelenting. I know I’ve had times in my life where I felt like every day was a bad day. Have you ever felt that way? Have you thought to yourself, “Can I just have one day or one week without something terrible happening?”

Years ago, my wife and I had a miscarriage. After weeks of celebrating the joys of expecting our first child, we began to have complications. After the miscarriage, Karla received a wrongful diagnosis that resulted in us believing she was going to need months and months’ worth of chemotherapy. As we went through the process from beginning to end, there were times that I felt so overwhelmed. We were hurting. We were tired. We were mad. We were disappointed, but we had to keep going. And that truly is the key sometimes. You must keep going. Life may not feel like it is going to get better, but it will. You may think that you can’t take it anymore, but you can. You are stronger than you think you are, and you are capable of doing so much.

The key to moving through a season of disappointment is to recognize where it comes from and what it is trying to accomplish. Disappointment is not from God. God is the creator of new appointments. He does not disappoint. The enemy will try to get you to sit in your disappointment, so you miss your new God-given appointment. Don’t let that happen. What has happened to you should not determine your future. Truly, the most important thing in life is not what happens to you, it is what happens on the inside of you. Not properly dealing with or pushing through seasons of disappointment is poverty to your soul.

Let me encourage you though! God is good. God only does good. God loves you unconditionally and has great plans for your future. God wants you to enjoy a life of health, welfare, prosperity and all kinds of good. Don’t allow the pain of the past to rob you of your hope for your future. God is with you, and He is for you right now. He will not fail you. If you are in the middle of a painful season at the moment, run to Jesus and allow Him to help you get through this. If you do, He will sustain you, restore you, and lead you to a life of peace!

Based on the book, the podcast brings The Missing Peace to life through real and raw conversations with the author. Season one walks individuals through the steps they need to take to re-interject what’s missing in their lives; everyone’s transformation journey begins with a choice.

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