
You’ve Got This!

Over the past two months, via The Missing Peace book, podcasts and blog posts, I have shared with you personal stories and numerous ways to apply God’s Word along with practical ideas to help you guard your heart, discipline your mind, rid yourself of shame from the past, see yourself the way God sees you, and walk into your future possessing the peace of God in your life. I have been overwhelmed by all the incredible feedback from so many people who are already seeing positive results. Praise God! Inevitably though, there are some of you that are fighting and pushing through change still.

We live in an instant gratification society. Television on demand. High speed internet with information updated every second. Total connectivity to the world around. Groceries and food delivered to our front doors. Isn’t that just awesome? The only issue is that we have lost our patience. Too often, we are not willing to allow change to unfold over time. God says in the book of Philippians that you can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives you strength. You can, and you will, live of life of peace. You are going to experience health, welfare, prosperity, and all kinds of good things in your future. But it might take some time. Maybe you have been struggling for years or have made bad life decisions and are suffering the consequences of those decisions. Years of bad habits most likely will not be undone overnight, but they can in fact be undone. The temptation is to quit and give up when the desired result doesn’t manifest in the desired time frame.

Whatever you do though, DO NOT GIVE UP! Do not quit. Don’t quit on yourself. Don’t quit on your family. Don’t quit on your dreams. Don’t quit on your future. Don’t quit on God. You can do this. You are stronger than you think you are. You are an overcomer. You are smart. You are highly capable and highly favored by God. You are His masterpiece, and you are called by God to live a life of peace. Trust the process and allow it to unfold over time. You’ve got this!

Based on the book, the podcast brings The Missing Peace to life through real and raw conversations with the author. Season one walks individuals through the steps they need to take to re-interject what’s missing in their lives; everyone’s transformation journey begins with a choice.

New episodes every week!
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